Apple Butter Caramel & fearing the French and the Pakistanis


Last week I cooked up a zillion bruised apples for a food poverty lunch. This is the filling that I make for my famous apple tarts – the ones that Pierce Brosnan described as “A little piece of heaven”.

I can make it with my eyes closed but seriously doubted myself when I made it in the presence of a highly skilled French chef and my Pakistani brother-in-law.

“You are making caramel without dissolving the sugar in water?” asked Bene the French chef.

“You should melt the butter and then pour in the sugar/water mixture like we do when making vermicelli pudding” said Tariq.

The phrase “Too many cooks spoil the broth” came to mind and I began panicking that it wouldn’t work.

But it did. So all you people who have been doing it the proper way can bugger off.
This is a video of the point where the sugar begins to caramelise

Then there’s this video where things get really scary

and finally this last video where the apples go in

Do I have a photograph of the finished pud? No, I forgot to take one because a hundred puddings went out very fast and then I had to get very drunk, very quickly.




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